Chemical Plant Story

  Tomorrow the city council will vote on their proposals to see if they should dump the remaining 200 million gallons (about 757082000 L) of wastewater from the city’s chemical plant and into the water system. 

  Councilwomen Debra Smith starts off by saying “absolutely not” when they asked if there should be any concern over the drinking water. Debra also states in the future the water will be safe and after it is being cleaned “it’s piped back into use but not for consumption, it goes to lawn sprinklers and that kind of thing”. Debra Smith and her team believe that this will still be safe in a good way to dispose of the water since they currently cannot find a way to dump it. 

 Throughout the interview, others don’t agree with Councilwoman Debra Smith, and they really don’t like the idea of an activist and a researcher. But Debra Smith said in an interview that Debra and her team will be paying for this. She states in the interview that it won’t be dangerous, and it won’t be in our drinking water, says Ms. Debra Smith.  

Councilwomen Debra Smith explains how the water is polluted and where does the water go. And she thinks that is getting overblown because “people dump more hazardous material down their sink every day”. Debra Smith and her team talk to experts about it to see if they’re safe or not, which it is. 

 In an interview with the plant foreman guy, he doesn’t really mind about the proposed policy, he just gave a one-word reply “sure”. But although he’s fine with the proposed policy he must find another job because the plants are closing. His job is to process water overseas after we use it. He explains what chemicals the byproducts do and what they are. He said, “the byproducts have arsenic and heavy metal extracted from the organic compounds”. There’re are risks for the purpose policy but all they need is the money to dispose of the water, but since there is no source of money it will probably be safe for carcinogens to be pulled out later. 

 Tomorrow’s council meeting can be watched live on the city’s government website. 

Voting Machine companies are suing fox and CNN

Several different legal challenges and disputes related to the voting process and the use of voting machines. Some people believe entities claimed that voting machines were manipulated or that there were irregularities in the election results. These claims were widely scrutinized and investigated by election officials, courts, and various other entities, and were not widespread. According to a news arctic on Reuters it says the following “A federal judge has thrown out Donald Trump’s $475 million defamation lawsuit against CNN, in which the former president claimed the network’s description of his election fraud as the “big lie” associated him with Adolf Hitler. In a ruling late on Friday night, U.S. Judge Raag Singhal, who was nominated by Trump in 2019, said CNN’s words were opinion, not fact, and therefore could not be the subject of a defamation claim.”   

Another Artic from Apn news it talks about “Fox News agreed Tuesday to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million to avert a trial in the voting machine company’s lawsuit that would have exposed how the network promoted lies about the 2020 presidential election. The stunning settlement emerged just as opening statements were supposed to begin, abruptly ending a case that had embarrassed Fox News over several months and raised the possibility that network founder Rupert Murdoch and stars such as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity would have to testify publicly” but at the end of the day If there are or was specific lawsuits filed by voting machine companies against media outlets like Fox News and CNN, these claims without proper evidence, potentially leading to real damage for the voting machine companies. In the aftermath of the 2020 United States presidential election, there were.  

  Rescores 2 websites

Virginia emergency medical services in trouble?  

  Emergency Medical Services (EMS) serve as the first line of response to medical emergencies, playing a valuable role in stabilizing patients and transporting them to healthcare facilities. In Virginia, but now, EMS services are tackling the severe issue of underfunding, which undermines their capacity to provide optimal care. Virginia Ems are losing staff workers this year by the decreasing of our fire fighters in Virginia, just late November a report from the Virginia governor’s office, fire and Emergency Medical Services have experienced a nearly 40 percent increase in calls over the last three years. This report also notes that 18 percent of localities said they could not meet state EMS staffing standards, and 70 percent of localities could only sometimes, never or rarely meet federal fire safety standard. These shortages are looking bad for the state of Virginia. In Virginia, they face many challenges: Outdated Equipment: Staff Shortages Lack of Community Outreach: Underfunding limits EMS agencies’ capacity to engage in community outreach programs. Building awareness and educating the public about the importance of EMS services are crucial aspects that suffer due to financial constraints. The underfunding of EMS in Virginia has far-reaching implications for public health and safety. Lives are at stake as delayed responses and compromised